A stinky fish and a pig with lipstick? These were Obama’s recent utterances at a rally in Virginia. Conservatives have cried foul, declaring his remarks were targeted directly at Palin and McCain. Obama denies the charges, claiming he was referencing their policy. The whole thing is hilarious to observe. I take Obama’s defense with maybe a bit more than a grain of salt, considering his earlier comments on gun and Bible clinging middle Americans.
The point is, this is politics as usual and verbal sparring is nothing new. What grates me is how Obama continues to say he is “above” politics and “above” the tactics of partisanship, while he is in the middle of playing their game! I don’t care if you engage in name calling tactics, whether it is in reference to the person or their policies, but don’t sit and pretend you are above it all! McCain may be involved with negative campaigning (which has proven most effective among the general electorate) but at least he owns up to it. There’s no change in Obama’s campaign.
As always, we’ll put up with this for two more months and then the election. Anybody who thinks we will ever remove the attacks out of politics is grossly naïve.
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